28 research outputs found

    A proof of Waldhausen's uniqueness of splittings of S^3 (after Rubinstein and Scharlemann)

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    In [Topology 35 (1996) 1005--1023] J H Rubinstein and M Scharlemann, using Cerf Theory, developed tools for comparing Heegaard splittings of irreducible, non-Haken manifolds. As a corollary of their work they obtained a new proof of Waldhausen's uniqueness of Heegaard splittings of S^3. In this note we use Cerf Theory and develop the tools needed for comparing Heegaard splittings of S^3. This allows us to use Rubinstein and Scharlemann's philosophy and obtain a simpler proof of Waldhausen's Theorem. The combinatorics we use are very similar to the game Hex and requires that Hex has a winner. The paper includes a proof of that fact (Proposition 3.6).Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology Monographs on 3 December 200

    The Heegaard genus of bundles over S^1

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    This paper explores connections between Heegaard genus, minimal surfaces, and pseudo-Anosov monodromies. Fixing a pseudo-Anosov map phi and an integer n, let M_n be the 3-manifold fibered over S^1 with monodromy phi^n. JH Rubinstein showed that for a large enough n every minimal surface of genus at most h in M_n is homotopic into a fiber; as a consequence Rubinstein concludes that every Heegaard surface of genus at most h for M_n is standard, that is, obtained by tubing together two fibers. We prove this result and also discuss related results of Lackenby and Souto.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology Monographs on 3 December 200